As parking pressure increased around the Bisceglie metro stop in Milan, the municipality of Milan decided to renovate the rooftop parking facility in collaboration with the manager ATM. The decisive reasons for opting for renovation using Pardak® from Zoontjens were the weight, the independent construction method and the low maintenance costs.
Commuter carpark
The metro in Milan is a very important component of the city’s public transport system. The Bisceglie stop, located to the southwest of the city centre, is itself also vital. Many commuters and tourists leave their cars at this location, to continue their journey into the city centre by public transport. As a result, the three-storey carpark at this metro stop is fully occupied. The carpark offers space for 1400 cars, of which more than 450 on the roof. However, due to technical reasons, the rooftop carpark was closed and in need of renovation.

Antonio Romano of the carpark manager ATM spoke about the project. “The tendering procedure for the renovation of the rooftop carpark was awarded to contracting and engineering firm Krea Construzioni. Their proposal was to apply a poured concrete floor some 20 cm thick on top of the existing construction, to be finished with an industrial floor which included quartz. This solution is commonly employed in Italy. However, during the demolition of the existing rooftop covering, we discovered that the proposed system would cause problems for the existing structure: it was insufficient to bear the weight of the intended roof solution. In addition, during the installation, part of the carpark would have to be closed, in connection with the splash risk from the pouring of the concrete.”
In search of a solution
Francesco Aquili of Krea Construzioni identified other problems, too. “During the construction work, we would be dependent on weather conditions. In the event of rain or if the weather was too hot or too cold, we would be unable to pour concrete. In addition, if leaks did occur, it would be difficult to identify the precise location of the problem; there is no guarantee that the point of the leak is in fact the precise problem location. On top of all those difficulties, repairs to a poured concrete floor are complex, labour intensive and as a consequence costly.”

Convinced by Pardak®
ATM and Krea Construzioni decided to join forces to find an alternative solution. The companies MAD Eco Impermeabilizzazione and Vetroasfalto convinced them that the Pardak® system from Zoontjens was the solution. In Italy, MAD has exclusive rights to sell the Pardak® rooftop parking system from Zoontjens. Pardak® is supplied with a guarantee in Italy, in combination with the roof covering from Vetroasfalto.
l. to r. Francesco Aquili, Paolo Maddaloni, Paul Heerkens, Marcello Grigatti
Weight proved decisive
The most important reason for selecting Pardak® was the limited weight of the Pardak® system. In this renovation project, weight was one of the key requirements, because the maximum carrying capacity of the carpark was already known. The fact that the system can be installed easily, rapidly and in phases, without negatively affecting the operation of the rest of the carpark also proved decisive, as did the fact that repairs can be carried out easily, and are cheaper than with traditional systems, thanks to the modular nature of the Pardak® solution. The system proved ideal for this renovation project. “Because of its innovative character and the advantages it offered, we decided to offer the client a variant with Pardak®, as an alternative to the original proposal. ATM agreed, and released additional budget to install the Pardak® system,” explained Aquili.

Two colours
The rooftop carpark in Milan covers an area of around 11,000 m2 and consists of a total of 9500 slabs. Normally speaking, Zoontjens itself is responsible for laying rooftop carparks, with its own subcontractors. In this case, the installation work was carried out by MAD. “We have been well-trained by Zoontjens to correctly lay the slabs using a special machine, and are able to perfectly manage both the height and laying direction of the slabs.” Two different coloured slabs were used in this project, to mark the dividing line between the driving lanes and the parking spaces. The rooftop carpark was officially opened for use in April 2019.