A new Tangram GO! school has been built in Vilvoorde, Belgium, near Brussels. The new school has playgrounds on different levels on the rooftop, which are interconnected by a slide!
The building of the TANGRAM GO! primary and secondary school was commissioned by the SCOOP group of schools. The building consists of three storeys, featuring a stepped construction and polygonal spaces. DMT Architecten, the architects, based their design on the Tangram puzzle game. The school can accommodate up to 240 pupils and students, from toddlers to 14-year old students.

Eyecatcher on the roof
Besides classrooms, innovative learning areas and a sports hall, the school features an absolute eyecatcher on the roof: a playground with a slide which connects the rooftop playground to the playground below.
Expertise welcome
The new school was built by Antwerpse Bouwwerken (AB), who asked Zoontjens to bring in its expertise to construct the playground. After our successful cooperation on previous projects, Zoontjens was once again chosen so that the quality of the work delivered could be safely guaranteed to the client. Our expertise was very welcome here, since an elevation of between 20 and 30 cm was involved and the playground is intended for use by children, necessitating a stable, long-lasting installation.

First Dreen®Nxt project
We used Dreen®Nxt in the colour light grey on this project. This was the first project using Dreen®Nxt in Belgium after some other projects involving this Zoontjens system had already been completed in the Netherlands.